About Us

Our vision has always been to create amiable nurseries where children, educators and parents can experience a sense of community and belonging. We promote this sense of belonging in our nurseries by ensuring every child feels loved and important as nurturing, empathetic and sensitive educators care for them. We are continuously developing a team of motivated early years educators who share our values and dedication to ensure that every child feels safe and secure. We endeavour to create a caring and supportive environment that enables each individual to develop and shine. We have a passion for childcare, truly enjoy working with children and treasure every moment we get to spend with your child. We look forward to welcoming you into our community!

Our Story

Carousel Nursery Schools were first founded in 2011 with the aspiration of providing the very best care and education for children. This dedication is our driving force and remains as strong today as it was back in the early days. We were inspired by the hundred languages principle from the Reggio Emilia approach which emphasizes the importance of providing children with one hundred ways to share their thinking of the world around them. Through play and projects, we embarked on a collaborative learning journey with the children and our families. This journey continues to bring us joy every day. We place strong emphasis on interaction and relationships and strongly believe that learning is a journey that never ends.

” The child
is made of one hundred.
The child has
a hundred languages
a hundred hands
a hundred thoughts
a hundred ways of thinking
of playing, of speaking. “

Loris Malaguzzi, Reggio Emilia founder



It is truly breathtaking to see the children becoming more confident, more skillful and especially working together as a group


“I love my job because everyday is a new discovery ”


It is rewarding to see the little ones grow, learn, develop so much in such a short span of time